Eivissa. Fotografies de Palmira Puig i Marcel Giró
Toni Ricart
book design and publishing

These photographs of Ibiza show moments of absolute epiphany for Palmira and Marcel, but through them it is also possible to understand the joy of living, the love for the landscape, for the country and, of course, the love they had for each other. Beyond their unquestionable artistic ­value, these images are also the perfect testimony of the admirable couple that were Palmira Puig and Marcel Giró.

17×23 cm.
80 pages.
Includes a reproduction (14x19cm) of a photograph by Marcel Giró.
Prologue by J.R.Duran.
Edition by Toni Ricart.
Text in catalan, spanish end english.

Available at multistudioBOOKS

